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Multimedia Ethics

Multimedia Ethics

Thinking about ethics:

In order to behave ethically you have to think about ethics and practice making good decisions. Ethics is an ongoing discussion. Ethics can define as the motivation based on ideas of right and wrong, and it’s not based on what is right or wrong. Making research make your audience satisfy and they will know that your choice wasn’t arbitrary.
 Online journalism ethics can grouped into 3 categories, which are as follows:

1.Gathering the news.
2.Reporting the news.
3.Presenting the news.

New storytelling opportunities bring new ethical challenges to the field of journalism. Print, broadcast and online news media share the same codes of ethics such as:

1.Seek truth and report it.
2.Minimize harm.
3.Act independently.
4.Be accountable.

Journalists should always strive or seek to report the most accurate version of a story to their viewers, but at the same time they should free themselves as much as possible from any internal or external influences. Ethical decisions may be choosing between right and right in the cases of discovering information that hurtful to the familiar involved.
Dilemmas do arise on ethical principles, so that many organizations have created ethics codes that help guide journalists in the broadcast industry and photojournalists. Also, some websites do that such as CyberJournalist.Net .

Correction on the Web:

In newspapers we all familiar with the ( correction box ) and its goal is to alert readers to many errors that were made. Also, in TV stations, when errors is confirmed the station must air the news story again whether at same time next day or at the same day. The goal is to make sure that correct information reach the widest possible audience.
But it is little tricky in the web, because when errors identified the organization easily remove it and the reader who may be read the news story before won’t know that there was a mistake in it. The perfect solution is to notice that error in the same article.

Transparency can help save the journalist and his news organization from an ethical lapse. The nature of online journalism also makes it necessary to discuss the ethics of linking the user to information that created by others. News sponsors shouldn’t dictate or influence news content, and news content should be clearly distinguishable from advertising content.

Online Issue:

Web changing the way news and information get delivered. Journalism must be aware of what they put online.
Journalist must take care to use blogs probably. Blog is simply a way to present information, and there is nothing inherently unethical on biased about blogs.
It’s a kind of diary that updates and link users with information about particular topic. A good blog has distinct voice. It’s much more like opinion columns in a newspaper. You must keep 3 criteria in mind when expressing opinion, such as follows:
1.It must be verified and truthful.
2.Make it clear to your viewers the biases.
3.Remain independent from the people or issues you cover.

Plagiarism and Copyright:

Plagiarism is not unique to online journalism. It means cut and paste information from another sources, and steal another person’s word. The journalist must make sure of putting sources. Not all cases of plagiarism are equal. They must know that plagiarism can lead to firing from jobs.
Journalists should know and get familiar with both: attribute material and copyright material. Notice that anything appears in broadcast media is copyrighted.

Digital Manipulation of Image:

Ethical journalists don’t manipulate still photos or videos in a way that can mislead audience. Digital kind of manipulation called ( photoshopping ) .

Access to Information:

One of the most exciting attributes of the web is that it gives the audience access to customized information. There is a great deal of information available online through government and law enforcement agencies. News organizations could create a quick link to that information that would make it much easier for casual users to surf the data.

Access to Source and Content:

Journalists try to gather as many differing viewpoints as necessary to tell the truth. They should try to show the both side of story. They also try to opening up more access to many sources.


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