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Showing posts from May, 2015

The Development of New Media

I've read an article talking about What The New Media Really Are. And I understood that very few people understand the new media simply because the most people think in media aren't actually vehicles within a medium. For example, magazines, newspapers, tv, and radio aren't medium in itself. They are vehicles within a medium.  There also differences between communication and transposition media . only three transportation media are exist , which are; land, water, and the new one that mixed land with water, the sky. The development begins from here because people can walk and swim but they cannot fly! To use the sky you need for technology. Here the article also mentioned that the first communication media was the interpersonal medium which developed to include telephone call, e-mails and postal letters. Mass medium is the second communications media exist. Mass media involves magazines, newspapers, TV, radio, billboards, … etc. the third communication medium exi...

YouTube and Instagram can bolster learning This article is talking about how the new media and new technology serve the learning process . It's talking about how the social networks can support the student's studying by practice what they learned within it. 

My opinion

In My Opinion:  This video shows how to use the unethical ways in publishing the information leads often to the occurrence of political conflicts within a single country. Because of this the media is the main source of spread awareness among the people and it’s the most responsible one to inform people with accurate and clear information. Journalists must tell the facts whatever it cost. 

Examples of Code of Ethics

Here are some websites that provide the Code of Ethics in several charts.  1. 2. 3.  4. 5. 6.

Example of Publishing Ethics

Several days ago a fire occurred one of the residential buildings in Dubai city, and someone called Rami AlQadi take the first picture of the fire and posted it on one of the social networking sites. Moments later rained down upon the Western media ask his permission to use the picture. This simple act by some media has given a lesson in respect for copyright and ethics of the profession.

Multimedia Ethics

Multimedia Ethics Thinking about ethics: In order to behave ethically you have to think about ethics and practice making good decisions. Ethics is an ongoing discussion. Ethics can define as the motivation based on ideas of right and wrong, and it’s not based on what is right or wrong. Making research make your audience satisfy and they will know that your choice wasn’t arbitrary.  Online journalism ethics can grouped into 3 categories, which are as follows: 1. Gathering the news. 2. Reporting the news. 3. Presenting the news. New storytelling opportunities bring new ethical challenges to the field of journalism. Print, broadcast and online news media share the same codes of ethics such as: 1. Seek truth and report it. 2. Minimize harm. 3. Act independently. 4. Be accountable. Journalists should always strive or seek to report the most accurate version of a story to their viewers, but at the same time they should free themselves as much as po...